Daily Archives: June 6, 2022

Vastu Consultancy

Gemstone Analysis


Career/ Business Astrology

Astrological Remedies

Blood Pressure Moon & Mars – these two planets  are responsible for causing variation in pressure When moon & mars be lord of dusthana or be afflicted by malefics, they may give rise to the disease of blood pressure  the watery sign karkatva, scorpio and meen rashi 4th- 8th and 12th houses rule the blood when these houses are weak and afflicted they give rise to the disease lagna and lord of lagna have important function in this disease badly placed lord of lagna or joined with 6thlord – bad for this disease if lagna or lagna lord strong in D|9 chart – minimize the  effect the moon giverns the wattery portin of the blood & mars governs the blood cells krittika, Mrigshira, Uttra Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Jyestha, Uttra ashada, Dhanishtha  born in these  nakshatras may produce high blood pressure. Low Blood Pressure Ashwani, Rohini, Ardra, Swati, Moola, Shatbhisha, Revati…

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