Vastu Tips

  • North Eastern corner of your house should be a vacant place.

  • Make more of your doors and windows open towards Eastern and Northern sides.

  • Number of doors are windows should be less on the first floor on the ground floor.

  • The rest of the doors in the house should not be bigger then the main door.

  • If possible keep windows in the eastern and southern side in the kitchen.

  • The rain water from the building should flow to North Eastern corner. From the bathrooms and Kitchen should also flow in this direction and get out from house in North East direction.If your water pipes are coming from other directions, make an underground tank in North East and then supply water from there to the whole house. It will give very good result.

  • Living room or drawing room should be located in the south.Never make your Kitchen towards North East.

  • The Kitchen should not be in front or next to the toilets.Keep your store for costly goods or money in the North Side of your house.Garage should be in South or North West.

  • The attached bathroom should always be in Mid North West of every room but never in the North Eastern corner or room.

  • Wash basin should be in the East or North direction in every house.

  • The ideal place for placing commode in your toilet is between South East and South.

  • One should never face the sun when performing toiletry functions. That means you should not face East or West when sitting on the commode.Alternatively, you may keep your toilets in West, South or North West, but not in North East under any circumstances.

  • Balconies in your house should be in Northern and Eastern direction only.

  • Open terrace should be in North or East. Verandah should also be in North East.Staircase should be in the South Western part of the house.

  • Number of rises in your staircase should be in odd numbers like 7-9-11 etc.Out houses, annexes etc. Should never be attached to the Eastern or Northern Walls.Never plant trees brought from cemeteries, cremation grounds, road sides, given or presented by sick or dead people.Grow a tulsi (Basil) plant in your house preferably on East, North or North East side of the house, its effect is very good.Even the number of trees inside the house should be even. All of them should be on the South West Side of your plot.In your drawing room do not put furniture on the Eastern or Northern wall. Put your sofa sets on the western and sothern wall.Keep Ganpati, Lakshmi or Kuber photos on the main gate.Symbols like Swastik, Om and Ganpati Statue and rangoli decorations stop the entry of evil spirits and evil influences in the house. North and North East are the directions of knowledge and if students face North or North East or East while studying they will be more brilliant and shining.

  • The room of the student can be in West but he should only face any of above three directions when studying. Keep your book in the South western side of your room.No garbage should be dumped in the North Eastern side of your house.

  • It should be kept very clean.In your bedroom keep your bed in such a way that head remains towards West or South. So that when you get up i the morning you will face either East or North which is very good.

  • If the prayer place is in your bed room, keep it in the North Eastern corner. In such a case keep your head towards East while sleeping so the feet should not face the prayer area.No furniture or cupboard should touch the Northern and Eastern Walls.

  • If unavoidable and you have to keep them in North or East keep them away by about 6 inches from the wall keeping a gap between the wall and tha back of the cupboard.Keep your Geysers, Furnaces, Stoves, Electrical appliances and Gas stoves in the Eastern corner.

  • There should be more space in the North and East side in your drawing room too.

  • All mirrors should be fixed on the Northern and Eastern walls.You should wash your clothes in South East corner because you will be using electricity for your washing machine.Keep your medical chest in the North East side in your house. The medicines shall have a better effect.The walls in the South West direction should be thicker and higher.Water coolers/tap should be in the North East direction.

Some Vastu Suggestions :-

  • Do not construct kitchen, toilets and puja – room next to one another.

  • The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door.

  • Keep all electrical/heat appliances in the SE corner of the room.

  • Avoid having garbage dump, street – light pole, or boulders in front of the main gate or door.

  • Your main door should not be opposite the main of another house.

  • The number of doors and windows should be more on the ground floor and less on the upper floor.

  • Do not sit or sleep under a beam.

  • Do not hang a painting depicting war, crime, unrest, agony or distress.

  • Grow a tulsi or basil plant in front of the house.

  • Do not have any cactus in the house. Having it outside the boundary is good.

  • The height of the building should get reduced from the SW to the NE.

  • Walls along the SW should be thicker as compared to walls along the NE.

  • Do not have a toilet or a puja room under a staircase.

  • Heavy machinery has to be installed in south, west, South – West in the factory.

  • Finished products are to be kept in the north west corner. It would help quick movements of the stocks & early recovery thereof.

Puja Room Vaastu


In the present times, Vastu Shastra is the most commonly used term, especially when it comes to purchasing or constructing a new home. To have a happy and prosperous household you must lay stress on enhancing the positive energy inside your home. Vastu Shastra increases wealth, well being and prosperity if you live in structures that allow positive cosmic forces.

One of the most important and sacred corner in any home is a zone of tranquility, the prayer or meditation area; usually known as ‘Pooja Ghar’. Although placement of a Puja Ghar itself brings positive energies in a home, but designing this sacred place as per Vastu guidance enhances positivity in the environment all around. According to Vastu Shastra, the North East zone or the Eeshan (Ishan) corner of a house is the best suited area for placing the Puja room.

It is believed that when Vastu Purush was brought down to the earth, his head laid in the north-east direction. So, while worshipping in this direction along with coming closer to the deity, we also pay obeisance to him. The direction also receives the purifying rays of the rising sun, which purifies the environment and brings positivity and prosperity into our homes.

Follow the below mentioned attributes in order to get an ideal Puja room:

  • Never locate the Puja room in the south and the south-east, as these directions are ruled by Yama and Agni, respectively.

  • Never locate the Puja space in the bedroom, as this place is for rest and pleasure. However if there is no choice, locate it in the north-east corner of the room. Take care that your feet do not point towards this corner while lying on the bed.

  • Avoid locating the toilet above, below or opposite to this room to prevent the negative energies of the toilet from spoiling the auspicious atmosphere of the Puja room.

  • This room should also not be constructed next to the kitchen or located under a staircase. In case you do make the Puja space in the kitchen, keep the deity in such a way that you face east while praying.

  • In very big plots, factories or apartments, the prayer room can be located in the centre or the Brahmasthana, the sector governed by Lord Brahma, the Creator.

  • Make the roof of the Puja room dome or pyramid-shaped. This facilitates smooth flow of positive energies from the tip to the dome or pyramid into the puja room. This shape also assists in meditation.

  • Use tranquil colours on the walls of the Puja room like white, soft shades of yellow, blue or violet. These colours do not distract while praying.

  • Ideally, the doors and windows of this room should open towards the east or north. These should be made of good quality wood and have double shutters.

  • Although north-east is generally the direction recommended for locating the idols or pictures of various Gods; yet different deities have different auspicious locations as described:

    • Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Kartikeya, Indra and Surya are placed in the east and facing towards west.

    • Ganesh, Durga, Kuber, Shodas Matrika and Bhairav in the north direction and facing south.

    • Hanuman in the north-east facing south-west, but never in the south-east as it creates fire hazard.

  • Never keep idols brought from ancient temples in the puja room. Also avoid Shrichakra and Shaligram idols, unless you have tremendous spiritual control and are capable of performing puja in a traditional manner.

  • Never display photographs of the dead family members along with the deities.

  • The height of idols should not be more than 18 inches and should always be placed on a high platform or singhasan.

  • Keep the holy books or dharmic granths and other items of samagri and dresses of the deities along the west and south wall.

  • The lamp or deepak should be placed in the south-east direction, governed by Agni.

  • The Puja room should not be used for other purposes, like storing items that do not belong here. It should also not be used for sleeping purposes or to conceal money and other valuables.

  • Never keep a dustbin in the Puja room, as the positive energy gets diminished due to the negative energies emitted by it.

  • If you ensure the above mentioned points, you would not only add to the serenity of the room, but would also find yourself spiritually uplifted with increased powers of meditation

House Building Vaastu Tips

  • Vastu is an age old practise of following certain rules to develop and maintain buildings that promises to harness the natural positive energies surrounding us. This age old practice of Indian civilization delivers wonderful results and makes the life of its practitioners successful, prosperous and peaceful.

    The best time to start paying attention to Vastu would be when you are constructing your house. Vastu specifies certain rules about constructing the building which can be naturally implemented only at the time of construction. Vastu is a huge subject dealing with all the nooks and crannies of harnessing positive energy inside the building and in our lives. Find below mentioned in short, the most important Vastu tips that are to be maintained while building a house.

Building Bedroom according to Vastu

There are specific rules that you have to follow for maintaining the optimal situation of Vastu in bedroom. The bedroom is a very intimate spot and this is the spot that needs a lot of attention when one is trying to improve its harmony with the nature. There are some specific Vastu tips that have to be followed to get the best results. Here are some of the most important ones:

Door: The door to the bedroom has to open at least up to ninety degrees. This is significant of the fact that you are allowing maximum opportunities into your life. You are also supposed to make sure that the bedroom door is made of a solid and strong material, so that your private and intimate life is protected from the outer world and the interferences as well.

First thing you see: It is always good to make sure that the first thing you see upon entering your bedroom is something that is serene and happy. This could be a gift your loved one gave you, a photograph or even flowers!

Remove the clutter: Make sure that the room is clutter free and make sure that there is enough room and possibility for movement. According to Vastu for bedroom, clutter, especially within the cupboards and under the bed is really bad. Some of this clutter might also include things from the past that you are handing on to and affecting your life because of. It would be best to remove this clutter and make your room open to the forces of nature, so that you can be happier.

Sleep pointing to the south: When you sleep, your head should point to the south. The north provides the body with magnetic energy, which will excite the blood. This can really ruin your sleep and that must be avoided at any cost.

Mirrors: Do not keep a mirror on the northern side of the bedroom. This will make sure that you are always thinking about the troubles and it will also make sure that your troubles are being projected back at you. Move the mirror to another wall or you just keep the mirror covered when you are sleeping in the night.

Sharp corners: In the bedroom, Vastu dictates that you avoid sleeping directly in line with any sharp corners. Sharp corners would take away the calm and serenity from your life and make you much more tensed. This will not make the intimacy situation any better. Neither will it improve your chances of becoming successful.

These are important tips on Vastu in bedroom.


Building Living room according to Vastu

The living room is not only the place where the family usually gather together, it is also the area where the other people come into the house. This area is powerful because it can draw a lot of outside attention to the house. However, the energy carried by the outsiders would also enter your house, so you have to make sure that you are doing all you can to draw only on their positive spirits. Here are some good concepts related to Vastu for living room.

Seating: When sitting in the living room, the owner of the house has to face either the north or the east. The other members of the house, or the people who have come to visit should sit opposite to or beside the owner.

The north- east face: The east and the north face of the house are of high quality. They can attract good vibrations from this (north-east) corner. Having the living room in the north- east would make sure that people are more harmonious and there is less discord in the house.

Telephone: House construction in Vastu considers the south to be the direction of fire, so this is the direction where all the electronics have to be kept. If you put your telephones, TVs, etc. in the south- west direction, it will definitely be beneficial for you.

Flooring: In Vastu for living room, it is considered better for the living room to be at a lower level than the rest of the house, since it can provide a good sense to the rest of the family, when compared to the guests, especially.

Doors: The doors in the living room are not restricted by numbers; they are restricted by the places where they can be kept. You can keep your door in the northern direction of your house, for this is the direction that has all the magnetic control. This is what will help people to be attracted towards your house- a huge benefit for you!

Front facing living rooms: If the living rooms are front facing, the north should be the most important direction, for this is the direction that would get the maximum benefits. However, the west or south facing houses will not work the same way. The latter two houses have to make sure that the living room is not a front room, but a side one or a back one.

Making deisions here: One always has to be careful while sitting in the living room and discussing important things- about business or personal matters. When you are discussing such matters, you have to make sure that you are facing the north or the east. And the guests should face the south or the west. This is the seating arrangement that would certainly lead people into success.


Building Kitchen according to Vastu

The kitchen is an important component of the building structures because of the fact that the kitchen is where all people derive their nutrition from, and hence their health as well. When dealing with Vastu and architecture, it becomes important to make sure that the kitchen is also designed in accordance with the principles of the Vastu that are to be followed:

South-east corner: It is best if the kitchen is in the south- east corner of the house, or the corner of the house.

North-west: If it is not possible to construct a kitchen on south-east, one can move to the north- western portion.

Electric gadgets: there are some gadgets in the kitchen, such as the mixer or the toaster. They have to be connected in the southern wall, for this is the direction of the kitchen that is best for the element of fire.

Colours: Try using colours to make the whole thing more colourful for you. There are four primary colours that are believed to increase a person’s health, eating habits and also calm. There are four colours that are best used for the Vastu of kitchen. The colours included blue, green, red and yellow.

Door: The door of the kitchen has to face the north- eastern direction. They could also face the north or the east directions.

Cooking: When cooking activities are being conducted, it would be the best for the lady to be facing east while cooking. This will certainly bring more prosperity and happiness to life.

The dining area: The kitchen or the dining room is a really good place to have daily meals. But when one is eating in the kitchen or the daily meals, people have to make sure that they are not pointing towards the southern direction.

Bedroom-kitchen: It is not a smart idea to put the kitchen right next to the bedroom. If you have to put them next to each other, make sure that the wall between these two places are thick. In fact, these walls should be thicker than the other walls.

Gas: When you put the gas, make sure it is in the south- eastern portion of the kitchen. Even the exhaust fan should be located on this corner or the eastern one.

Water: Keep the water in the north- east portion of the kitchen, if it is drinking water. Vastu for kitchen determines that this is the safest direction for water.


Vastu Tips for Bedroom


In India, Vastu Shastra is considered a sacred science that helps people live a stress-free life. According to Vastu, each direction has its own unique characteristics that get imparted to the various rooms of the house in those directions. Relying on Vastu for living in perfect harmony and keeping problems at an arm’s length is even more important for the bedroom, where one retires to escape from the worries of the world and have a tension-free sleep. Thus, bedrooms also acquire Vastu characteristics to ensure harmony in the house.


A bedroom in the North : This is the ideal direction for young couples and also for storing valuables, important papers, cash, jewellery etc.

A bedroom in the North East : This direction should not have any bedroom since it is the sacred space of the house.

A bedroom in the East : The direction is ideal for unmarried children.

A bedroom in the South East : The direction is not recommended for having bedroom since it is the quadrant of fire and imparts a hot temperament to those occupying it. It also leads to constant quarrels between couples and incures excessive expenditure. Children staying in this direction do not take interest in their studies and finds it difficult to get a sound sleep.

A bedroom in the South or South West : The direction is ideal for having master bedroom and should be occupied by the head of the family. It should be larger than the other rooms. In case of a multi storeyed building, this room should always be on the top floor.

A bedroom in the West : The direction is ideal for students. However, it increases the probability of birth of a larger number of girls in the family.

A bedroom in the North West : The location is the best for newlywed couples.


Let us also explore the basic Vastu guidelines that have to be followed, in case of the bedroom:-


Vaastu Shastra does not recommend a bedroom in the South East under any circumstances. It is best to shift from this room to any other room in the South West, South, West or North West. In case there is no choice, keep the bed away from the southeast corner or you will be sleeping on too much fire. Sleep in this room with your head towards the South and feet towards the North to ward off the ill-effects. Vaastu Shastra allows attached bathrooms towards the West or North of the bedroom. However, some suggest locating it towards the East, southeast, North or northwest of the bedroom. The door of an attached bathroom should always remain closed. The ideal colors for the walls of the bedroom are light shades of rose, blue and green. The master bedroom and the guest room should be painted in different hues of blue for a good sleep. Marble stone should not be used in the bedroom of the newly married couple. You can decorate the walls with attractive wall hangings or pictures that bring pleasure since this is what you will see the first thing in the morning when you wake up! The correct placement of furniture in the bedroom makes one feel at home. Vaastu suggests that since bedrooms normally have heavy objects like beds, cupboards etc, they should be placed in the South, South West or West direction of the room. If possible, avoid beds in the centre of the room. According to Vaastu Shastra, mirrors should not be located inside the bedroom as this leads to frequent misunderstandings and quarrels between couples. However, if essential, place them preferably along the North East wall. It is best to sleep with the head towards the South or East direction of the bedroom. The South brings a good deep sleep and ensures long life, while the East brings enlightenment. There should be no window behind you, while sleeping.


Bed room Feng-Sui


An ancient Chinese discipline to have gained enormous popularity in the current years, Feng Shui outlines certain ways and means whereby one can improve one’s life and enhance luck by attracting positive vibrations denoted in Chinese ‘qi’.

There are various guidelines outlined by the science of Feng Shui as to the location of bed, side tables and other items of furnishing to be included in the bedroom so that healthy vibes entailed may positively affect its inmates. One of the most cardinal principles of bedroom Feng Shuiincludes clearance of clutter or unwanted things. Unwanted, non functional or discarded items irrespective of their material value should be got rid of. At no time should they be allowed to clutter up the wardrobes, tables or any other storage place including the ones beneath the mattress.


Feng Shui in Bedroom – Bed Placement

Bedroom which is supposed to make for an ambience of soothing relaxation and comfort , should have its bed so positioned that while lying the inmates’ feet do not directly point to the door. Feet directly pointing towards the door is said to attract negative vibes from the point of view of Feng Shui for bedroom. In keeping with the Chinese tradition, dead bodies are placed in similar position; the one pointing to the door. The ‘yin’ position is said to be the harbinger of harm and physical decline. Similar to that of the feet, a person’s head also should not point to the mentioned direction. One can opt for either right side or left one to the door for the location of bed in order to avoid the malefic direction.

Having a wall behind your bed for strength and support is another of the tenets of bedroom Feng Shui. Symbolically the wall encapsulates the significance of support, assistance and confidence. According to the designs of this ancient discipline, each area denoted by a particular direction symbolizes different prospects relevant to human life. For instance if southern zone coincides with a person’s prospect of fame, the northern sector relates to that of career. Thus depending on the area you want to enhance, you can have your Feng Shui bed placement, provided you consciously avoid the mentioned ‘yin’ position.

Bedroom Feng Shui Colors

Bedroom should strike a balance between the desired motivation for activity and excellence as well as that for calmness and comfort. In other words there should be a proper balance of yang and ying energy. So regarding the selection of bedroom colors, one should bear in mind the interplay of both. As far as Feng Shui is concerned, each area or direction is represented by color which is invariably different from the other. Keeping in mind the prospect of health and that of relaxation, it is wiser to go for the earthy colors of beige or cream and shades of green which is supposed to symbolize wood. Shades of blue and that of black are to be avoided while choosing the color scheme meant for the bed room .The mentioned colors in symbolizing the water element are said to be harmful as bed room Feng Shui. Otherwise in keeping with the direction of the bed room one may have its walls painted according to the color of its governing element. For instance ideal colors for bedrooms located in North Eastern sectors will be yellow and beige; while for that located in South Eastern sector will be light shades of green.

Other Bedroom Feng Shui Tips – Position of Objects

In fact, Feng Shui which ensures enhancement by trapping the positive energies of natural forces; does not recommend the use of water feature in the bedroom. Any form of water feature including aquarium, scenes displaying waterfalls and beaches should not be put up in bed rooms. They prove to be malefic from the point of marital relationship between couples. If the bedroom falls in the northern location which also coincides with that of one’s career prospect; it is better to enhance the said location with metallic objects rather than make use of water features. It is worth mentioning in this context that north which also stands for ones career prospects, is supposed to be governed by water element. But the color governing the same element is not an ideal bed room Fengshui.

Ideally favorable bedroom Feng Shui entails that married couples opt for single bed for sleeping. Apart from giving out negative vibes from the point of view of healthy relationship; it also sometimes makes way for separation and divorce. Similarly harmful is the use of separate mattresses. Thus as far as bedroom Feng Shui is considered use of double bed and mattresses are counterproductive from the view point of marital happiness. There is an exception to the rule however, when the individual couple’s lucky directions prove to be different. Secondly, when both happen to be earning members, the use of detached single beds may be accepted. But the use of double mattress is definitely uncalled for.

It is preferable to keep the mirrors hidden in bedroom. Mirror reflecting the bed and that of the sleeping position is considered to be one of the major draw backs in bed room Feng Shui. One can go for mirrors built inside cup boards or place it in such a position so as not to cause reflection of the bed or couples sleeping on it. One may even have them covered at night or for that matter any time when they are out of use. Neither should there be mirror or any other reflecting medium high up on the ceiling. It gives out negative vibes leading to conflict, friction and separation between couples. In case you are keen on adding to your bond a touch of romance and zeal; keeping a pair of love birds is said to be a highly beneficial Feng shui meant for the bedroom.

In order to enhance the feeling of togetherness and add to the familial bond, putting up a photographic representation of the entire family on the south west zone of the bed room is projected as being an effective Feng Shui for the purpose of bed room.

Keeping in mind the factors of comfort and relaxation, one should avoid keeping electronic goods including computer, television and gizmo savvy mechanized gadgets as part of one’s bed room. It is also not advisable to decorate your bed room with potted plants and flowers. As an alternative one may go for artificial flowers of plastic or silken make.

Feng Sui for Love and Romance

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese form of beliefs or set of techniques that is believed to create a harmonious and positive flow of energy (Chi) in you home and that helps you to overcome several problems of your life. It is believed to bring good health and good fortune to the practicing individual. It essentially comprises of arranging or re arranging the things surrounding you in your day to day life and encourages developing a positive frame of mind, which facilitates the beneficial flow of positive energy in one’s life.
Feng Shui also has techniques to encourage a fulfilling and harmonious love life. Feng Shui can help you in a variety of matters, for instance if you want to attract a prospective lover in your life, or you are already in a relationship which is troubled and you need a little help to sort out stuffs, you can utilize Feng Shui benefits.


Feng Shui Tips For Love and Romantic Relationship

Balancing both sides of bed : Since two partners are involved in a relationship, it is important that the Feng Shui energy levels are balanced on both side of the bed. This includes among others, placing of Feng Shui products on both side of the bed for a equal amount of energy surrounding the bed.
Placing close attention to the three main Feng Shui places of your home : The trinity of Feng Shui i.e. the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen needs a close look so as to maintain a continuous flow of positive energy in these areas. If any of these areas are misbalanced, it will reflect in your relationship sooner or later in a negative way.
Use of Feng Shui Colors and Images : Bring the images and feel of your most desired love interests in your room. Use specific photographs, scents (in the form of essential oils) and Feng Shui colors to symbolize the kind of energy you want between you and your partner. Try and avoid the negative feelings generating images like that of broken heart, tempest and destruction etc.
Maintaining the South west area of your home. : The Feng Shui element for love and affection is the “earth” and “fire”, so you need to use materials that enhance the Feng Shui energy for these elements. The items will include images, articles and colors that you can use to strengthen these elements. Avoid excess of water, metal or wood elements of Feng Shui.

Use Feng Shui cures for love relationship: Use Feng Shui products that come in pairs, rose crystal of quartz and other personalized elements which strengthens your love.